Tag Archives: Nintendo Wii

Sound Pong

Sound Pong is a real-time performance composition written in Kyma and Max/MSP for an electronic ensemble. The eight channel piece was co-written by Jon Bellona and Jeremy Schropp for OEDO (Oregon Electronic Device Orchestra). The video is a recording of Feb. 27th, 2011 premiere. Performers: Jeremy Schropp, Jon Bellona, Nathan Asman, and Simon Hutchinson.

Download the Sound Pong source patches (Max, Kyma, and OSCulator). The zip file includes the audio files. @76 MB

Download the Open Source Wii interface (see alsoprojects#wiimote)@200 KB

Download the white paper documentation. @1.1 MB

Download the Sound Pong audio files. @72.3 MB

Running Expressions

Running Expressions is a real-time performance composition using bio-feedback and remote controllers. Written primarily in Kyma and Max/MSP, the piece captures live physiological data to create and control music within an 8-channel and video projection environment. The musical performance narrates a distance run, the psychological and emotional impacts of a running experience.

+ Download Documentation .pdf and the performance software (Max/MSP/Jitter, OSCulator, and Processing) files. (.zip, 11.5 MB)

+ Download Kyma performance audio files. (.zip, 45.3 MB)

+ Download Thesis documentation separately. (.pdf, 11.2 MB)