Photos: (sub)Urban Projections brings art to the rooftops of Eugene

A collaboration between the City of Eugene and the University of Oregon’s School of Architecture and Allied Arts, (sub)Urban Projections brings art out into the public domain. At the first of three weekly shows, artists and attendees lit up the Hult Center walls from the top of its neighboring parking garage on Wednesday, November 9th, showing short films, interactive music creation, and interactive drawing pieces. The featured artist, Jon Bellona, used his expertise as an audio engineer to create a program which records movements from the Xbox Kinect, translates them into 2D coordinates, and creates rhythm and pitch. Three of the projectors were connected with Apple iPads, allowing users to graffiti on the large, blank, concrete walls. The exhibit moves to the alley at 5th Ave and Willamette Street on Wednesday, November 16, and its final show will be November 23 in the Oak St alley between Broadway and 10th Ave.